Explanations on the Current Civil Code in China

2022/04/11 BLOGAttorney Akira Takiue

What is your impression of the Civil Code in China? Do you think it should be completely different because China is a socialist country?
Probably you would think so. It is true that when established at the very beginning, the Civil Code in China was created under the influence of legal system of former Soviet Union. However, nowadays China has opened its economy and society, and the Civil Code is close to what we know.
The current Civil Code was passed by the National People’s Congress (the legislative branch) on May 28, 2020, and become effective from January 1, 2021. It adapts to the economic and social condition of modern Chinese society, so the contents are contemporary.
Our law firm handle legal cases of Chinese nationals. Therefore, I will use this column to explain the Civil Law Code in China in a series of short articles.