Family Law

Are you experiencing problems like these?

・ What are the rules regarding property division after divorce?
・ Can I continue to live with my children if I get a divorce?
・ Will I lose my visa status after divorce?
・ I’m suffering from domestic violence, and I want a divorce.
・ I want a divorce from a partner who lives abroad.
・ I am a single mother, and I want my partner to recognize he is the father of my child.
・ I would like to adopt a foreign child or a child of foreign nationals.
・ Can you help me make a will?
・ My spouse is a foreign citizen. What do I need to do if they die in Japan?
・ The heir is not a Japanese citizen.
・ The heir resides in a foreign country.
・ I inherited a property in a foreign country.
・ The heir is in another country and cannot be found.
・ I inherited trust assets which will be distributed to me at the age of adulthood.
・ There is a disagreement on the distribution of an estate.
・ I am looking for an attorney to assist me in liaising with the administrator of an estate.

How we can help

We can offer you expert advice and representation in all aspects of divorce, separation, finances and issues relating to children.

International divorce tends to be complex, so seeking legal advice from a specialist international divorce lawyer in Japan is essential. Different countries have different laws and regulations to deal with divorce. Recognition of your divorce in Japan may be withheld for various reasons in your home country.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in divorce cases involving foreign nationals, and we constantly update our knowledge of foreign laws and their applications.

We will make sure your status of residence stays valid.

If you are married to a Japanese national, a permanent resident, or a person with a work visa, your residence status may be lost or must be changed upon divorce. We can advise on your residence status after divorce and help you apply for a change of status.

We are a professional team with diverse viewpoints and perspectives.

With the increasing number of international marriages and immigrants, problems with cross-border inheritance are on the rise. The concept of international inheritance differs from country to country. For example, when a foreign decedent was living in Japan at death, the law of the decedent’s home country would determine the right of the heirs. If the country’s law says “subject to the law of the place of residence,” the procedure will be governed by Japanese law.

The process is even more complicated if the property is located outside of Japan. The applicable laws differ depending on the nature of the property, and procedures may take years to complete in some countries. In some cases, even if you can inherit the property, it isn’t easy to evaluate it properly.
A will made in a foreign country may be valid under certain circumstances, even if it is made in a way not recognized in Japan. Even when a will is made in Japan, it is necessary to consider which country’s taxes will be imposed on inheritances. As Japan has a unique family registration system, inheritance procedures for foreign heirs require expert advice from various legal perspectives.

Our attorneys are highly experienced experts in cross-border family matters and international estate planning with knowledge and background in multiple jurisdictions. Our clients come from more than 90 countries, and our attorneys can directly communicate with clients in English or Mandarin. We can provide interpreters for other languages.


The fee for an initial in-person consultation is 5,500 yen per 30 minutes (tax included). *Maximum 60 minutes per consultation. Telephone and Zoom consultations are also available. PayPal and credit cards are also accepted (except for debt settlement cases).
For those who meet certain income and asset requirements, financial assistance (loans, etc.) by the Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu) or the Japan Federation of Bar Associations may be available to reduce consultation and legal fees. Please feel free to contact us for further details.

Legal consultations are by appointment only.
Please call us or use our online consultation request form.
Phone: +81 (0)3 5979 2880 (Monday-Friday; 9:30-17:00)
Consultation Request Form
If you send us the consultation form, our staff will contact you promptly by your preferred contact method (e-mail or telephone) to schedule a consultation. If you do not hear from us within 3 business days after submitting your request, please contact us again by telephone: your request may not have been received.

Practice areas include:
– Divorce procedures
– Child support
– Divorce property division
– Procedures for changing the status of residence after divorce
– Recognition and adoption
– Inheritance procedures
– Preparation and execution of wills
– Distribution of estate assets
– Investigation of Inheritors and estate assets


Are you experiencing problems like these?

I am an employer:
・ I am hiring a foreign national and would like an attorney to help me draft airtight employment contracts to avoid potential issues.
・ I have set up a company in Japan and would like an attorney to help ensure compliance with local employment laws and regulations.
・ I want to dismiss a foreign worker on the grounds of misconduct.
・ I would like an attorney to help renew the work visas for our employees.

I am an employee:
・ My wages are too low, and I am not paid overtime.
・ I have been working for several years without paid leave.
・ I was injured at work. Can I claim compensation?
・ I was laid off suddenly.
・ Can I get help and advice if I am working illegally?

How we can help

Thanks to the revision of the Immigration Law in 2019, foreign nationals can now work in a wide range of fields. As a result, we have been receiving an increased number of consultations. With extensive experience in representing both employers and employees, we can quickly come up with a solution that satisfies both parties, taking into account the points of view of both sides.
For employers:
When employing a foreign national, compliance with labor laws and regulations is no different from that of a Japanese national. However, it is necessary to confirm the residence status and period of stay in advance. You must also comply with other detailed procedures under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act. After employment, various problems may arise due to cultural differences.
When a company is foreign-owned, it may be challenging to become familiar with and comply with Japanese employment rules due to language barriers and other problems.

We can provide full support for companies hiring foreign workers and foreign-owned companies. Before hiring a foreign worker, we draft contracts in the local language and prepare applications to the Immigration Bureau and other authorities on behalf of our clients. We can also help you create company rules that all employees can understand. Our labor management advice is available in English, Chinese, or other languages.

For employees:
In Japan, companies are not allowed to dismiss workers easily, and the rules concerning dismissal are very different from those in other countries. However, some companies ignore this law. You can make a big difference by appealing against your unfair dismissal or demanding compensation be paid accordingly.

Unfortunately, many foreign workers are still subjected to poor working conditions in Japan. We have seen many cases where workers faced unfair wages and conditions, illegal deductions, no paid leaves, or unfair dismissal. Accidents resulting in serious injury can occur when workers are forced to work in dangerous conditions. In some cases, employers neither reported workplace accidents nor paid compensation to the workers. Even when workers are working illegally, they are covered by workers’ compensation insurance and entitled to compensation from the employer.

Employment is one of the most vital factors for maintaining a stable life and social relationships, and we’re here to help with your employment issues.


The fee for an initial in-person consultation is 5,500 yen per 30 minutes (tax included). *Maximum 60 minutes per consultation. Telephone and Zoom consultations are also available. PayPal and credit cards are also accepted (except for debt settlement cases).
For those who meet certain income and asset requirements, financial assistance (loans, etc.) by the Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu) or the Japan Federation of Bar Associations may be available to reduce consultation and legal fees. Please feel free to contact us for further details.

Legal consultations are by appointment only.
Please call us or use our online consultation request form.
Phone: +81 (0)3 5979 2880 (Monday-Friday; 9:30-17:00)
Consultation Request Form
If you send us the consultation form, our staff will contact you promptly by your preferred contact method (e-mail or telephone) to schedule a consultation. If you do not hear from us within 3 business days after submitting your request, please contact us again by telephone: your request may not have been received.

Practice areas include:
For employers:
– Compliance with the labor law
– Employee work visa application
– Company incorporation and establishment
– Employment policies and employee management

For employees:
– Unfair employment termination
– Work environment safety and sanity
– Wage discrimination
– Delayed payment
– Unpaid overtime and lack of paid leave
– Workplace injury


Are you experiencing problems like these?

・ I have a work visa. What will happen to my status of residence if I quit my job?
・ I want to live in Japan with my Japanese spouse.
・ I have been living in Japan on a spouse visa. Will I lose my status of residence if I get a divorce?
・ I have been in Japan for a long time without renewing my visa. Can I still renew my status of residence?
・ I was tried in a criminal case. What will happen to my status of residence?
・ An immigration officer told me they would no longer extend my visa.
・ I want to start a business in Japan. What do I need to do with my status of residence?
・ I want to live in Japan forever by applying for naturalization or permanent residence.
We provide legal support to achieve a safe and stable life for you in Japan by collaborating with various public organizations.

How we can help

We help you live a safe and stable life in Japan.

Resident status is an ever-present issue for foreign nationals living in Japan. When you go through life changes, such as employment, leaving a job, marriage, divorce, or childbirth, you may need to change your residence status.

The residency status and entry conditions are complicated and can change anytime. Your financial status and living conditions are also considered. In some cases, you need to prove you can support yourself and any dependents in Japan. We work on immigration cases in cooperation with various organizations, taking advantage of our reputation as a trustworthy and reliable public law firm. We are committed to helping foreign nationals achieve a stable future in Japan.


The fee for an initial in-person consultation is 5,500 yen per 30 minutes (tax included). *Maximum 60 minutes per consultation. Telephone and Zoom consultations are also available. PayPal and credit cards are also accepted (except for debt settlement cases).
For those who meet certain income and asset requirements, financial assistance (loans, etc.) by the Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu) or the Japan Federation of Bar Associations may be available to reduce consultation and legal fees. Please feel free to contact us for further details.

Legal consultations are by appointment only.
Please call us or use our online consultation request form.
Phone: +81 (0)3 5979 2880 (Monday-Friday; 9:30-17:00)
Consultation Request Form
If you send us the consultation form, our staff will contact you promptly by your preferred contact method (e-mail or telephone) to schedule a consultation. If you do not hear from us within 3 business days after submitting your request, please contact us again by telephone: your request may not have been received.

Practice areas include :
– Change or renewal of your visa
– Application for permanent residence
– Application for naturalization
– Application for a refugee status
– Appeal against rejection of your asylum/visa application

Criminal Defense

Are you experiencing problems like these?

・ The police have arrested my family member in Japan.
・ The police arrested my foreign partner for overstaying.
・ The police arrested my spouse for possession of cocaine.
・ My spouse was convicted of causing physical harm to someone. Can we still stay in Japan?
・ A foreign worker was arrested for possessing someone else’s residence card.

How we can help

We strive to help you get back on the road to a better future

Our director is fluent in English and has experience working at a public defender’s office in the U.S. He can represent English speakers without an interpreter and help you keep in touch with family members.

All team members have specialized training in criminal defense with extensive courtroom experience while serving as instructors for criminal courtroom defense training. For other languages, we can provide an interpreter. We work closely with interpreters, so you can be assured that there is no misunderstanding or ambiguity.

An especially dire aspect in criminal litigation involving foreign nationals is residence status and deportation. A foreign national with a valid visa will not be deported upon arrest or detention. However, any criminal conviction is still grounds for deportation, and you may not be allowed to renew your residence status. With this in mind, we work from an early stage to obtain a “special permission of stay” to avoid immediate deportation. With extensive knowledge and experience in the issue of residence status, immigration law, and immigration procedures, we provide a high-quality defense. This includes providing counsel during custodial interrogation, reaching settlement with victims, and providing a vigorous courtroom defense and fight for clients.

As a law firm with a track record of success, you can be assured of the same standards of protection of your fundamental rights and access to justice wherever you are from. We will liaise with the embassies, foreign ministries, and consulates of your home country while handling all relevant matters, including consular notification.


The fee for an initial in-person consultation is 5,500 yen per 30 minutes (tax included). *Maximum 60 minutes per consultation. Telephone and Zoom consultations are also available. PayPal and credit cards are also accepted (except for debt settlement cases).
For those who meet certain income and asset requirements, financial assistance (loans, etc.) by the Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu) or the Japan Federation of Bar Associations may be available to reduce consultation and legal fees. Please feel free to contact us for further details.

Legal consultations are by appointment only.
Please call us or use our online consultation request form.
Phone: +81 (0)3 5979 2880 (Monday-Friday; 9:30-17:00)
Consultation Request Form
If you send us the consultation form, our staff will contact you promptly by your preferred contact method (e-mail or telephone) to schedule a consultation. If you do not hear from us within 3 business days after submitting your request, please contact us again by telephone: your request may not have been received.

If you have been arrested or charged with the following criminal offenses, please get in touch today to find out how we can help:
– Criminal offenses such as assault, battery, property damage, and theft
– Immigration violations such as overstaying, and illegal employment
– Drug offenses such as possession, use, and smuggling

Corporate & Commercial

Are you experiencing problems like these?

– I want to start a business in Japan, but I am worried about violating Japanese laws.
– Can you draft and review contracts and agreements in Japanese?
– I want an attorney to deal with problems with our suppliers and customers.
– I need a specialist whom I can consult for my company.

How we can help

We offer the most appropriate and comprehensive solutions and support tailored to the exact needs and nature of your business.

We provide specialized corporate legal services and consultations for small and mid-size companies, start-ups, foreign-owned enterprises, and Japanese citizens dealing with foreign companies in Japan.

Our attorneys are experienced in multi-national corporate matters, fluent in English, and familiar with cultural differences. We strive to meet your organization’s needs with a range of flexible fees.

We provide high-quality services at a reasonable price to establish long-term relationships with our clients. Our team has extensive experience providing legal support for international students and foreign nationals in Japan, with specialized knowledge of international schools and educational organizations in Japan.


The fee for an initial in-person consultation is 5,500 yen per 30 minutes (tax included). *Maximum 60 minutes per consultation. Telephone and Zoom consultations are also available. PayPal and credit cards are also accepted (except for debt settlement cases).
For those who meet certain income and asset requirements, financial assistance (loans, etc.) by the Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu) or the Japan Federation of Bar Associations may be available to reduce consultation and legal fees. Please feel free to contact us for further details.

Legal consultations are by appointment only.
Please call us or use our online consultation request form.
Phone: +81 (0)3 5979 2880 (Monday-Friday; 9:30-17:00)
Consultation Request Form
If you send us the consultation form, our staff will contact you promptly by your preferred contact method (e-mail or telephone) to schedule a consultation. If you do not hear from us within 3 business days after submitting your request, please contact us again by telephone: your request may not have been received.

Practice areas include:
– Contract review and drafting of related agreements
– Entity formation and check of legality
– Debt collection
– Dealing with workplace accidents and issues
– Dealing with employment and labor law issues
– Resolving disputes with clients and contractors
– Providing legal opinions in accordance with Japanese law
– Corporate counseling


How we can help

One of the most common everyday problems is debt and other money troubles, such as lending and borrowing money between friends or companies, collecting accounts receivable, and claiming compensation for damages and losses from traffic accidents or other incidents.

Money troubles are delicate matters that can be challenging to discuss and resolve between the parties.
Our expert legal advisors will study the details of your case and find the best solution in the quickest time possible.

Tokyo Public Law Office (TPLO) has been in business for 20 years and has accumulated know-how in resolving such cases. We can offer services in English and other languages with a flexible, customer-centric approach and at a competitive price point. Our lawyers will give you practical and honest advice on all money matters to protect your interests and achieve the best possible solution for you.


The fee for an initial in-person consultation is 5,500 yen per 30 minutes (tax included). *Maximum 60 minutes per consultation. Telephone and Zoom consultations are also available. PayPal and credit cards are also accepted (except for debt settlement cases).
For those who meet certain income and asset requirements, financial assistance (loans, etc.) by the Japan Legal Support Center (Houterasu) or the Japan Federation of Bar Associations may be available to reduce consultation and legal fees. Please feel free to contact us for further details.

Legal consultations are by appointment only.
Please call us or use our online consultation request form.
Phone: +81 (0)3 5979 2880 (Monday-Friday; 9:30-17:00)
Consultation Request Form
If you send us the consultation form, our staff will contact you promptly by your preferred contact method (e-mail or telephone) to schedule a consultation. If you do not hear from us within 3 business days after submitting your request, please contact us again by telephone: your request may not have been received.

Practice areas include:
– Loans between individuals or corporations
– Collection of accounts receivable
– Claims for damages, etc.